Tuesday, 5 July 2011

My new vintage shop will be opening soon.

I've been working towards launching the vintage side of JoSara. (The handmade side is up and running already.) I've been hunting out some stock items to fill the vintage shop with. There are some very interesting things out there still, which is a relief. I started collecting retro items about 10 years ago. Then, a few years ago, I stopped, due to lack of room, and the prices were beginning to rise on the items I wanted. Now I've started looking around again, and it seems that a lot of items have found their true value. Some are a bit too rich for my liking. I know there's a price range that most people are comfortable in, and I'll try and stick to that in my shop. But there are still some great items out there, at reasonable prices, if you look hard enough. Although, you don't have to. That's the point of my shop. I'll hunt it out, all you have to do is pop in once in a while and see what's new. In fact. if you follow me on Facebook you'll get new stock updates straight to your wall. How convenient is that?

The idea of my vintage shop is to be like a kind of online bric-a-brac shop. I won't be having a theme to my items, but they will be at least 20 years old to class them as vintage, and have something about them. That could mean good design, colour, or shape. Or it could be that the item has good 'quirkiness' value and it strikes me as interesting. Or, it could be retro and useful. I'm not just going to fill my shop with anything and everything. What I choose will be vintage, plus at least one of the criteria above. What I have got lined up so far is a very eclectic mix of items. Another criteria for the stock will be it's rarity. I will try not to stock things that I see turn up every other week or so. In fact, I will try and find things that are pretty much unique. My idea of good vintage is that you would struggle to find another one.

I also like finding the more useful vintage items. Ornaments are great for creating an atmosphere, but if you get to use your vintage item too then that's a bonus. Although, I do also think, if you really like something, the price is right, and looking at it gives you that warm glow because it's just your thing, then you can justify spending out on it, even if it is just to look at. Having nice things around you is good for you. Honest.

I will use this blog to talk about some of items I put into my shop, what they are, their age, and their history. Now, I must get on. I've got a few more things to set up in my shop before I launch. Keep an eye out, JoSara Vintage will be in business very soon.